Pull Docker Images via IPv6

November 09, 2022

As IPv6 only servers are becoming the norm, lots of users run into the problem of pulling docker images from docker hub.

⚠️ As of August 2023 docker hub supports IPv6 https://www.docker.com/blog/docker-hub-registry-ipv6-support-now-generally-available/ the following sentence have been updated to reflect that.

The default endpoint is dual stacked, but they have another endpoint registry.ipv6.docker.com which is IPv6 only.

So instead of using docker pull busybox

You can prefix the IPv6 docker endpoint with library and pull the docker image. docker pull registry.ipv6.docker.com/library/busybox

However, this is only suitable for one time use and advanced users will need to edit dockerfiles to add the new endpoint.

Instead of that, you can add the endpoint as a mirror to the config as solve this problem.

In Linux config is at /etc/docker/daemon.json

   "registry-mirrors": [